Uses of the University, Clark Kerr
"America’s university president extraordinaire adds a new chapter and preface to The Uses of the University, probably the most important book on the modern university ever written. This summa on higher education brings the research university into the new century.
The multiversity that Clark Kerr so presciently discovered now finds itself in an age of apprehension with few certainties. Leaders of institutions of higher learning can be either hedgehogs or foxes in the new age. Kerr gives five general points of advice on what kinds of attitudes universities should adopt. He then gives a blueprint for action for “foxes,” suggesting that a few “hedgehogs” need to be around to protect university autonomy and the public weal." - from the cover
Kerr, Clark. The Uses of the University. 5th ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.
Read the Book:
UofT Library
World Cat
The Review of Higher Education, David S. Webster
Social Science History, Christopher P. Loss
The multiversity that Clark Kerr so presciently discovered now finds itself in an age of apprehension with few certainties. Leaders of institutions of higher learning can be either hedgehogs or foxes in the new age. Kerr gives five general points of advice on what kinds of attitudes universities should adopt. He then gives a blueprint for action for “foxes,” suggesting that a few “hedgehogs” need to be around to protect university autonomy and the public weal." - from the cover
Kerr, Clark. The Uses of the University. 5th ed. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2001.
Read the Book:
UofT Library
World Cat
The Review of Higher Education, David S. Webster
Social Science History, Christopher P. Loss
Multiversities, Ideas and Democracy, George Fallis
"Multiversities are sprawling conglomerates that provide liberal undergraduate, graduate, and professional education. As well-springs of innovation and ideas, these universities represent the core of society's research enterprise. Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy forcibly argues that, in the contemporary world, multiversities need to be conceptualized in a new way, that is, not just as places of teaching and research, but also as fundamental institutions of democracy. Building upon the history of universities, George Fallis discusses how the multiversity is a distinctive product of the later twentieth century and has become an institution of centrality and power. He examines five characteristics of our age: the constrained welfare state, the information technology revolution, postmodern thought, commercialization, and globalization. In each case he explains how the dynamic of multiversity research alters societal circumstances, leading to the alteration of the institution itself and creating challenges to its own survival. The character of our age demands reappraisal of the multiversity, Fallis argues, in order to safeguard them from so-called mission drift. Writing from a multi-national perspective, this study establishes how similar ideas are shaping multiversities across the Anglo-American world. Ultimately, Multiversities, Ideas, and Democracy seeks to uncover the ethos of the multiversity and to hold such institutions accountable for their contribution to democratic life. It will appeal to anyone interested in the role of education in society." - From WorldCat
Fallis, George. Multiversities, Ideas and Democracy. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007. Reviews: The Review of Higher Education, Benjamin Baez The Journal of Higher Education, Tatiana Suspitsyna |